Portfolios for Performers
Shoot Guidelines
These are guidance notes for new models / actors / dancers/ performers and for portfolio shoots and headshots in general. If anything is unclear, please do not hesitate to ask.
Times and dates for photographic sessions will be arranged by phone or email prior to the shoot. Directions and details regarding parking etc, will be supplied too.
The shoot will last in the region of three hours. During this time we will shoot as much as is practical. All shoots take place at my studio and within the (walkable) area surrounding the studio, unless a location shoot has been pre-arranged (Please bear in mind that an additional charge for location shoots may apply).
I don’t guarantee X amount of shots per session, but there will always be more than enough for most purposes.
All images shot on the day will be supplied on a memory stick. To maximise shooting time, I usually send these in the post within a day or so, but if you absolutely need the images there and then, we can do that too.
The purpose of the shoot is threefold. Firstly to give new performers time in front of the camera, secondly as a record and small portfolio of images and thirdly and most significantly, to use for marketing and publicity purposes. It’s vital that everyone involved understands that this is not a make-over experience or a family portrait shoot. The aim of the session is to provide a set of images that showcases a performers range and just as importantly, their personality. Head shots, half length and full length shots will be provided.
Four images from the shoot will be retouched and sent separately via email. For the most part, images in their un-retouched state will be fine for web use. For portfolio use and for marketing or publicity, I’d strongly recommend that they be retouched. Retouching of any additional images can be arranged at an extra cost.
I do not provide a printing service, but can recommend professional printers if requested.
For the shoot, it is always useful to bring a few ideas (downloaded from the internet to a phone or torn from magazines) that will give us a few guidelines of what is desired from the shoot. Of course we will also need a good variety of clothing (the more the better) that we can mix and match on the day. Please remember, it's no good bringing one T-shirt and five pairs of jeans, or just a selection of winter clothes. Try to bring a range of items.
While on the subject of clothing, please think about the intention of the shoot. This is to showcase you as a performer and to show your personality. It’s not a fashion shoot or about dressing up in costume. If we get time to do some fun shots at the end, that’s great, but I would suggest that for the most part, it’s best to stay focussed on the job in hand.
Finally on the subject of clothes. Don't go shopping unnecessarily. I’m pretty certain that most people will already have everything that they need in their wardrobes. Please bring things that reflect your personality and the image you are trying to project as a performer. Don't forget accessories; shoes, jewellery, hats, underwear, everything really, that will give you a range of looks and allow us to shoot for three hours. Be aware though, that many branded items of clothing can be subject to copyright law, so if possible, it's best to avoid logos.
Dance costumes, sportswear, suits of armour, or anything that reflects other passions are great, but don’t concentrate too much on these aspects unless they are of vital importance to your image. Having said that, if you have any great ideas that you are desperate to try out, just shout up and if we have time, we will certainly make the effort to give them a go.
It may be an idea to bring some of the kind of music you enjoy, since not everyone appreciates mine!
Don’t forget make-up, as this will not be supplied unless pre-arranged (which unfortunately has to be at an extra cost). Make-up doesn’t have to be elaborate, or as heavy as it would be for the stage, natural is better, and for boys it may be useful just to have some powder on hand, to take away any shine from the skin.
I will provide hot and cold drinks, but it’s a good idea to have something to eat before you arrive, or bring a snack (it helps with nerves!!). The studio is well located, with plenty of shops, cafés, etc nearby.
It’s fine if someone wants to stay with you during the shoot, in fact we insist on a parent or guardian being present for shoots with anyone under the age of eighteen, but please don’t bring a crowd, you’ll perform better to a smaller audience.
If there is anything I’ve forgotten to mention, please give me a call, send me a text, or email me.
Best wishes,
Andy Kruczek Photography telephone: 07956991786 email: andy@andykruczek.com
This agreement and the terms and conditions set out below relate exclusively to the PORTFOLIOS FOR PERFORMERS Project. 'Photographs' and ‘images’ means all photographic material furnished by the Photographer, whether transparencies, negatives, prints or any other type of physical or electronic material. ‘Client’ shall mean the Performer and/or the responsible adult (in cases where the Performer is below the age of 18). The ‘Purpose’ of the shoot is to give the Client practical experience of working in a professional photographic environment, as a small portfolio that may be extended or used to supplement an existing portfolio and, as a set of images that may be used for marketing and publicity.
The Photographic shoot shall take place at a date and time agreed in writing between the photographer and client. The shoot will take place at the Photographers Studio and it’s immediate vicinity. In the event of the Photographers Studio being unavailable, the Photographer undertakes to arrange an alternative location that is suited to the demands of the shoot. The duration of the shoot shall be no longer than Three Hours. Unless prior arrangements have been made and agreed, it is the responsibility of the Performer to supply, make-up, clothes and props for the shoot and to transport them to and from the Studio on the day of the shoot. The Photographer shall not be held responsible for the safe keeping of any of these materials. Any variations to the SHOOT DETAILS must be agreed with the Photographer in writing prior to the shoot. Additional fees may apply.
All Images will be supplied in electronic form only. Images supplied on the day of the shoot will be transferred to a memory stick or other suitable media and posted or given to the Client. Images supplied after the shoot will be supplied via electronic transfer (WeTransfer, Dropbox etc) within 48hrs. All Images from the shoot, with the exception of those rejected for technical reasons, will be supplied to the Client. This will include Four Retouched images which will be supplied within Two Weeks of the Shoot.
All Performers that are under 18 on the day of the shoot must be accompanied by a Parent or Guardian.
The entire copyright In the Photographs is retained by the Photographer at all times throughout the world. Moral rights are asserted.
Title to all Photographs remains the property of the Photographer.
A Licence to Use the images will be issued as an electronic document with the images. The licence will permit the use of the images in any medium, physical or electronic, in perpetuity. This document will also serve as a Licence to Print the Images, giving a clear instruction to any commercial printer that the licence holder has the permission of the Photographer to have prints made.
8. USE
The Licence to Use comes into effect from the date of payment of the relevant invoice(s). No use may be made of the Photographs before payment in full of the relevant Invoice(s) without the Photographer's express permission. Any permission which may be given for prior use, will automatically be revoked If full payment is not made by the due date. Where use is restricted In the Agreement, permission to use the Photographs for other purposes will normally be granted upon payment of a further fee, to be mutually agreed.
Note: An agreement must be reached with the Photographer before the Photographs are be used for Purposes beyond those set out in this document.
The Client will be authorised to publish the Photographs to the exclusion of all other persons including the Photographer. However, the Photographer retains the right in all cases to use the Photographs in any manner, at any time and in any part of the world for the purposes of advertising or otherwise promoting his/her work.
Payment by the Client will be expected for the commissioned work in two parts. A deposit is payable on the date of the booking, the balance being payable on the date of the shoot. For a Second (within 12 months booking), Deposits are payable Two Weeks before the shoot and the balance payable on the day of the shoot.
In the event of the Client requesting additional services (location shoots, Make-up, Hair etc), the Client agrees to meet these expenses and any costs involved are to be paid to the Photographer prior to the shoot.
Unless a rejection fee has been agreed in advance, there is no right to reject on the basis of style or composition.
A booking is considered firm from the date of booking and accordingly the Photographer will, at his / her discretion, charge a fee for cancellation or postponement.
If the box on the Invoice, estimate or licence marked' Right to a Credit' has been ticked, the Photographer's name will be printed on or in reasonable proximity to all published reproductions of the Photograph(s). By ticking the box the Photographer also asserts his / her statutory right to be identified in the circumstances set out In Sections 77-79 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or any amendment or re-enactment thereof.
The licence only applies to the Client. Images may not be sold to Third Parties or otherwise distributed without the exclusive written permission of the Photographer.
Four Retouched Images from the shoot will be supplied as part of this agreement. Images to be retouched may be chosen on the day of the shoot or afterwards. It is understood that in the event of the Image selection being made after the shoot, the delivery of the final retouched Images may be delayed. Extra Images from the Shoot may be Retouched at an extra cost. Retouching is limited to ‘cleaning’ the image and making minor adjustments to colour, tone and cropping. Heavy manipulation such as replacing backgrounds, is possible, but beyond the scope of this agreement. It may be arranged for a further charge, please consult with the Photographer. Further manipulation of the supplied final Images or use of only a portion of the Image may only take place with the permission of the Photographer.
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of England & Wales.
These Terms and Conditions shall not be varied except by agreement in writing.
Andy Kruczek Photography telephone: 07956991786 email: andy@andykruczek.com